2011 - What a year!

Now for an overdue quick recap of 2011.

I got married.

That sort of eclipses everything else, like visiting Cuba, becoming a chicken herder, doing a permaculture design course, hitching across Canada, getting in a riot, doing Bellyfit instructor training, cycling 1000km, and seeing my Nova Scotia property for the first time.2010 was epic, but 2011 topped it handily.  My second year garden was far more successful than the first, and the barn is a proper dwelling now, with windows and lights and doors and everything.As far as this blog,  the big winner of best search term resulting in a hit is "I caught a packrat now what?"What does 2012 hold?  So far, a train ride across Canada, pick-up hockey, and the creation of a new little elephant.  Later in 2012?  Hopefully Iceland again, Nova Scotia again, some work, more cycling, and lots more gardening.


Hitching in the winter: proceed with caution


Here's to No Resolutions!