Second broody hen


Ah, yes, the little brown hen is now officially broody.  I've been wondering if she's on her way, as she's been spending some time every day in the coop, but it seems she was just taking her sweet time laying eggs.She has five or six under her, a nice reasonable number, unlike someone else we know.2015-07-15 09.56.13What's been very amusing is that she's been shuffling her eggs every day.  At three eggs, I made a clean straw bowl and put the three scattered eggs in it.  The next day, she moved all three a foot away, and laid another.  The next day, she moved them back.  The next day, relocated again.  Now, she's back in the "nest" I made, and is settled down.We really need a chicken cam, to see what goes on in there- all this egg shuffling.  How do they do it?  How long does it take?It's kind of cool that they took turns going broody.  Snowball (the rooster) agrees.  He gets SO bored when there are no hens to hang with, and then he starts getting into trouble, deciding to take charge of the red hens, or something.  


Two more chicks!


One chick!