First day out for the chicks!
Unfortunately, I lost my phone in the woods, so I lost all the pictures of the first day of freedom for the chicks, a lovely sunny day.By the time these were taken, the chicks were several days older and taller.I split the (dirty, beat up) broody box open so that the hen could lead the way out, and make her way down the ramp on her own time. She completely ignored the opening, although the chicks were interested, and quickly began scampering around the rest of the coop. They move like water bugs.Ten, twenty minutes later, they’re all still in the box. I’m hoping to capture wondrous, triumphant first excursion from the coop, first time ever for the chicks, first sunlight in a month for the hen.An hour later, she’s still in the box.Two hours.In the afternoon, HW comments offhand that he sees the chickens are outside. What chickens?All the chicks, and mom, are outside, and I missed it all!Phew, I get to throw out the dirty broody box they’ve all lived in for a week.Now, how bad will the daily bedtime return-to-the-coop drama be this year?