Pollen baskets!
The bees were coming home loaded today with pollen baskets. A soft snot-green colour- I wonder what is the source. Bees at the end of their workday were zooming in every few seconds with payloads, as the sun ran out.They are still in winter wraps, but are very lively with this warm early spring we're having, already polishing off bottles of syrup within a week and thoroughly exploring, sometimes a little too adventurously.I do a fair amount of bee rescue, returning bees who have got themselves in trouble to the hive. I find them in buckets, or frantically lost in the house, raging at the windows. Half drowned, half froze, half exhausted- I run them back to the hive, transfer them from my finger to the doorstep, and watch as they wearily drag themselves back in the door, or are helped.Today I had my face quite close watching a sodden bee (who could at first only wave one antenna to let me know she lived), pull herself back inside when a small black flying insect landed on the bee porch for a rest- just a little gnat. A guard bee dashed out, snatched the insect up with her bee forelegs, and then seemed to throw it. It flew away with alacrity, lucky to escape. A beat after she chucked it she zoomed at me. Hey git out of here! You're too close for comfort too.