The walnut tree roosters


The funniest thing about the arrival of the Brahmas is the reaction of the Silkie roosters - the two "exiles" as I call them, since they don´t interact with the main tribe and mostly hide in the coop.  Or did, until the Brahmas came.I think they feel they´ve gone to heaven since the Brahmas arrived.  The second night they were sandwiched between the big pillowy ladies.  I  haven´t been this comfortable since I was a chick.  And ever since they´re really coming out of their shell.  No more hiding in the coop.  They hang all day in the shrub with the Brahmas, who really just lie around.The big sign of transformation is that they are starting to crow!  It´s not pretty (whoa, is there a rooster gargling over there?).  That means they are feeling very good about themselves.  Looks like some new copper tail feathers are coming in too.  I'm glad they're so happy.They don't mate the big girls (larger than they are).  They seem perfectly content to snuggle.Good looking guys.I call them the walnut tree tribe - the mixed bunch of chickens who have decided they live in the small coop under the walnut.  They are a distinct group now.  Mom and the Oreos, the two roos, and the Brahmas.  They interact surprisingly little with the Silkies who moved into the big coop, who live just at the other end of the greenhouse.  The guineas and layer hens freely visit either tribe, and a couple of layers drop off eggs in the small coop.


Tomatoes already?!


What, were you born in a box?