I thought the hens would go broody like bowling pins, but not so; they're all having too much fun outside. Now the first two hens have chicks out in the wild, nearly grown up, another is finally broody (Only three more yet to brood this year!). She has Silkie eggs under her, for a change, to replenish the flock (I sold more than I meant to).Most times when a hen goes broody she sits on the eggs and doesn't get up. I can put them in a cramped box with a water cup and snack bowl and they don´t budge until the eggs crack.This hen is different. I was sure she was broody, but I kept seeing her outside every mid-morning for an hour or so. I gave her some eggs, and thought that would change, but six days later, she was faithful to her long as she had a breakfast break. Different.So I repurposed the vacant chickery, and made a hen apartment in the greenhouse. It´s like a little suite. She has her dark egg room, but she can come out for a drink and scratch, or a dirt bath if she wants. She even has her own sunflower for a houseplant. It's draped over with some canvas to keep it cooler.Plus there will be no transfer when the eggs hatch. They will already be in the chickery and just get moved outside.She's SO in the zone. You'd never guess she will shake off that trance for awhile every day, then return.Yes, they are fine to get off their eggs periodically, even for hours, especially in the summer. Brief cooling may even be good for them. The hen knows best.