Goldilocks days


These are my favorite days of fall - not too hot, but not too cold.  The bugs are gone and the ticks are long finished.  We've been warned, by the frost, that winter is coming, but then there are lovely "gift" days of perfect, peaceful weather.  It feels like it should be time to rest, peruse, hang out in the hammock and enjoy summer taking her last breaths.  But it never is.  September and October are always the worst months of the year for me, and I'm panicking and faltering under the crush of things that have to get done, so that everyone and everything will be ok for the winter.  I'd like to change that.  Possibly if there was only harvest to be done, it might be manageable.The chickens don't have that problem.  It's not as hot as it was in the summer, but they are still flopped out in their dust baths and sunny patches all afternoon.  HW says "there's chickens strewn about all along the path."  They aren't inclined to move, once they get into their dirt bath doze.  Sitting chicken's posture seems to be improving, by the way.  She's in the pile.


Apple flow


Guineas in the walnut tree