Everyone loves a good hay bale


I brought a hay bale for the pigs, now the nights are getting colder.  I'm confident that they'll make their own bed out of it.  They were quite excited with the novelty, and as usual What are you doing in our house?Pancakes getting high centered on the bale was especially funny.On the way to Pigland...I thought I'd get a quick pic of the barrow and bale, fall leaves everywhere, maybe it might turn out the way it actually looked, but there was a sudden ambush:Action shotThe chickens, as usual, are all up in your business, no matter what it is.  HW busted three of them in the house!  Which I really wish I'd seen.  The screen door was snapped ajar, and two chickens were (reportedly), inside rummaging in the pile of beans I have out on newspaper on the floor drying, the third was posted lookout in the bootka.  Oh shit, there he is!  Quick, grab all the beans you can!


Coop training.


Epic pig move