Sunny days are here again


Yesterday the rain washed away most of the snow, and today I put the fence back up on the chicken yards, and the chickens got to come outside again, whoohoo!Look at the little jailbirds, staring at the outside world.Then they all came pouring out. Mud puddle!The world is messy and so muddy, and quite gross.  But the sun is shining, and the chicken boredom is over as soon as the doors open. And very soon, there will be no fences either and they will be free-range again.The girls were out  most of February because it was so warm, but then March came in like a lion and held a snowpack (and knocked down my hen yard fence with the wind).Perhaps, this is the final melt.  Garden time!Also, the posturally challenged chicken was out of the coop, looking far better, and right in the trough with the others.  Like, not using her wings to walk around, like a bat.  Just still very low in the stern.Happy Easter.  No jokes today, I'm not that creative.


Happy Hop hop!


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