identical chicks

Chocolate has two identical chicks, a few days old now.  They’re almost white, but they have a hint of light yellow.  I don’t know what they will turn into.   It’s interesting that she got two alike (two of four eggs).  The chances of that are slim as the breeds are blended, and so are the mix of eggs that I give each hen. 


Perhaps they’re leghorns!  (eggs from another chicken keeper)  That would be cool.  So far I have one leghorn cross, but I think he’s a he.

Chocolate and the white chocolates are still in a chickery (newly out of the greenhouse), Foxy and Feisty are past chickeries (but go back in their cardboard boxes at night) and are roaming a little further now.  Three more hens, including Ursa Minor on her second sitting of the year, are “in their confinement”.  Which is a much more appropriate phrase for hens than women, because hens are confined to the nest.


A post prandial cuddle pile of tween chickens.


Bedtime, and coop cops


The misadventures of rabbits