Oh great, it's time to move blog platforms again
I've been blogging here at Wordpress for nine and half years, and I was perfectly delighted with it for eight and a half. I've never had so many problems as I did this year. Coincidentally, this year is also the first time I've paid for the top tier account, for extra storage (nine years of images, yo), and to keep my blog free of annoying ads.
To hell with that. It's usually easier to just stick with what you know than do time consuming research and transition, but I'm not thrilled about paying for the suck. I switched from Blogger in the oughts, it's time to move again, although there's some time before my subscription renews. Wordpress fail. Research ahead.
In the meantime, chickens.
Puffling is storking. The Pufflings are laying eggs - green ones! They are blue egg layers crossed with brown egg layers, and their eggs are almost olive. I inadvertently created bearded olive eggers.
The Brahmas are giant bird pillows. So laid back.
Until they're not. JK. She's yawning.