Cheeks the stork


Cheeks is doing much better than when this photo was taken a few days ago, and that aloe in the background is doing much worse.

She's done quite a bit of standing on both feet today, which is an improvement.


She really likes to roost on the edge of the box when she's done eating. She spends a lot of the day there, watching us come and go. She doesn't miss anything, and I can tell when she wants to go in her banana box for a nap.

It's neat how much like a cat the house chicken is these days. Quiet, unobtrusive, just there. Only difference is that she doesn't come and climb into your lap when you sit down. Once placed there though, she's happy to stay for hours.

Today I put some oatmeal in her dish, but it was hot, so I went upstairs. She was in her box, and I was going to lift her out to her Rubbermaid in a minute when I came back down. This is post-breakfast, mind you, but there was a sound - "Did she just jump out of her box?" Yes, yes she did. She'd seen me do something with her dish and couldn't wait to find out what it was.


From outside the window.

She's been demolishing that aloe. Three arms are missing now, and she's started on a fourth, plus the other plant. It's good for her, I'm sure, it's just wild that she's consuming so much of it!


the morning owl


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