A chick!

The first chick of 2020 has hatched! These eggs had a rough go. I had a barred rock hen broody, which was exciting – those two are the sweetest birds. But she got off of them! She’s done it before; it’s like she’s got a calendar in her head and when she’s sat too long, it’s over, instead of being connected to the life in the egg.

So I put the abandoned eggs under this little lady, who I’m between calling Little Mama, and Polly, my only Silkie cross, who was thankfully also broody, et voila, one baby.

She’s in the broody-usual, a cardboard box in a chickery, in the greenhouse for now.

First chick 2020

First chick 2020

Here she is hunkered down in broody mama mode.

The first chick of 2020 has hatched
Nosey saying hi to the new chick

Do I even have to point out who the the looky-loo is? It’s Nosey. Of course, it’s Nosey.


An Only chick


The tulips are up!