Two moms

We have our first Silkie chick.  Cute little thing, brown spider markings, so it will turn out brown.The neat thing is that two hens are parenting it.  I've never had this happen before.

The hens set next to each other in one of the apartments of the coop, always eager to swipe eggs from the other, but also always jammed in side by side (by choice).  Then when a chick was hatched (I believe the silver hen hatched it, but how would I know?), I left them in place together for a few days, as I do.  Every time I checked it would be under the other hen.

One Chick with Two Mom Hens

Then came time for the upgrade to a chickery, complete with cardboard box, so I put the silver hen in the chickery with the chick.  Tada!  They both got distressed at the separation, though, so I had to add the other hen, with her eggs.

Thus passed a boring week where both hens seemed to be passing most of their time in the box acting broody.  Chick seemed fine though, and they were both coming out to eat regularly, so I left them to it.  I was definitely hoping for another egg to hatch, but alas, no.  I tried to give them two boxes, but they went into one together.

Two  Mom Hens Looking after a small chick
Two Moms taking care of a single chick

Now it's grass time.  The brown hen has given up on those rotten eggs finally, and they are both all about parenting.  Clucking, warming.  The chick goes and tucks under whoever's handy.  I've had hens act very sisterly raising chicks together, even temporarily warming another chick, but this is really interesting.

Two mom hens with one little chick

A lovely sunny day with green grass.

Two Mom hens feeding a small chick
The brown hen and the chick are in the box now



Another Silkie Chick