Happy Harvest Blog
overnight guest
I went to fling some seeds in the feeder this morning, and! It was already occupied! He/she just looked at me. Clearly she'd been there all night. Not the worst place to stay. All fluffed up and rolling a seed around in his beak. He was snoring a bit, which is very worrying. I wonder if he's got the finch's disease:(After, he flew out and into a tree.
Party on the new bird feeder
I was very surprised. It took *hours* for the chickadees to discover the new bird feeder. And then, it was only one, who hogged that knowledge and had exclusive access for days. Finally the grosbeaks made the discovery, and brought their drama to the squirrel-proof swivel bird feeder. There was a great deal of open beaking at each other, hustling the prime perch on the arms, and squatting inside in the feed pile.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.