Happy Harvest Blog

Profile: Nosey
Chickens Chickens

Profile: Nosey

All chickens have their own unique chickenalities, but some chickens distinguish themselves more than others. Nosey has been her own bird from a young chicken, and unlike everyone else, it is rather tame. She got her name from always being excessively interested in my business, and always really into being near me. She’d be the first at the door, have her beak up in whatever I was doing, sit on my shoulder, and generally tag along or be underfoot.

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Early morning perching practice
Chickens Chickens

Early morning perching practice

The fuzznuggets have started perching. They all keep the same schedule; I’m so used to seeing moms raise their chicks now. First, there’s very close to home chickergarten, where scratching is strongly emphasized – Mom shows them vigorous scratching in loose material, clearly for practice. Good fling. Look at how well Daisy is kicking. Second, comes explorer time, where the moms take their chicks off, to some distance, for I don’t know what, world acclamation, and exposure to strange and unusual things.

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Chickens Chickens

New dimension

There was a death in the family yesterday. One of the red layer hens died in the coop. They do that.  They go in the coop (not the nest box), hunch up, pull in their feet and their heads, close their eyes, and go to "sleep"- really a pre-death trance. Their combs go pale, and they depart slowly. The whole transition seems very peaceful, and like a death happens by degrees. You can look at them in the last hours, and they aren't dead yet, but they aren't all there either.

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