Happy Harvest Blog
Just standin' around
The old girls have decisively claimed the roof of Chris & Cream Puff's coop. They pile up there all day. An alliance is forming. Sidewinder, the molter in a jacket (again! She molted last year), and Apples' chick. She was raised with the six other Silkies, but she doesn't hang out with them anymore. They're babies. The full Silkies are a third of her size. This one could be a full leghorn. Cute. There seems to be a bond.
Chicken jackets
Now that the weather is cooling off, it's time to put jackets on my chickens. No! That's a joke. A few of my hens need jackets because they're molting or have their feathers damaged from mating. Chicken aprons (so-called because they look like an apron when they're flat), or saddles (for the rooster to ride) are for protecting their backs while their feathers grow back. Cheeks has bare raw patches on her shoulders from mating, but what can you do? She doesn't have to always be with that rooster. I made a version with shoulder protectors.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.