Happy Harvest Blog

Let them eat grass!
guineas guineas

Let them eat grass!

I've made the observation that guineas "like" to eat grass the way addicts "like" heroin. They seem desperate for it.  They'll crowd up and rip grass so you can hear the grass getting mowed. Just a hunch.  Guineas need grass in their diet more than the average bird. So post-bobcat, I've been letting the guineas outside for a half hour before bed, to get their grass fix. Really? Then I stand over them, supervising, but they're so into the grass they barely notice me

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Life: lived Life: lived


On Saturday I was shocked awake by a bird smashing into a window with the force of a snowball. I ran outside and found the bird gasping and quivering on its back, scooped it up, and took it in, holding it for several minutes, with my whole hand wrapped in a towel for dark, soothing.

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