Happy Harvest Blog

Winter has said, yes, she will visit again soon
Life: lived Life: lived

Winter has said, yes, she will visit again soon

Here the heavy frosts have come. Almost every morning the goldenrod and grasses are stiff and white, and there is a disc of ice on top of the chicken water. The trees are all "in their colours", one of the most beautiful times of year in Nova Scotia, since there are so many deciduous trees to blaze up in reds and yellows.

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More chicks on the way!
Chickens Chickens

More chicks on the way!

Her teenage chicks from the first batch are extremely put out, now that she's setting.They are no longer allowed to crawl under her at night. She does her head-down growling thing and slams her wings shut, pressing them to the straw. No admittance.

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.