Happy Harvest Blog

Snake eggs

Snake eggs

I was doing laundry, and you know how weird stuff gets left behind in the washer?  There was this odd, plasticky, flexible, inch-long "pod" left behind.  I thought at first it was some kind of bean, or seed pod, and naturally, I tore it open, and it was actually something VERY FAR DOWN ON THE LIST OF THINGS I EXPECTED TO FIND when I opened it. In fact, I've never seen one before, and was excited with the discovery, but also sad, because it was dead from the laundering.It was a tiny snake! 

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snakes in the greenhouse

snakes in the greenhouse

I've got a bunch of snakes in the GH. Three, anyway. Can you see all three? They like the corner with the figs. They're cool.  Relaxed. But they watch very intently. Track me around. I think snakes are very cute. This one is coiled up in a coconut husk in the fig tree pot that, amazingly enough, I put in there in case a snake would enjoy it. Wow!  It was just round and reminded me of a snake basket, but I was still very surprised to see it utilized for exactly that. A vacated snakeskin. 

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.