Happy Harvest Blog
Pig Innovations
What’s going on here?
Is that what I think it is?
All of them are different!
This is the first one who’s ever thought that …
No more pigs
The pigs have ceased to be. As always, they had a good, lazy, romping life, with mud up to their eyes most days and loads of naps. I'm not going to miss this pair, though. They were extra sneaky and cunning, and developed a taste for illicit exploring. Now I'll be able to leave home again.
Pig bribery
I've got some rowdy pigs. Specifically, the female. She's a bit of a loner, happy to be apart from the boys some of the time, and she doesn't respect the fence. She knows how to get under it, rooting under a post (the bottom strand isn't electrified), and then tossing it up, where it will flop down on her back and she can charge underneath, getting only a modest shock on her thick back. I haven't seen her do this all the way through, but I've seen her start into the process very deliberately.
Two tone pigs
The pigs were lying in the mud on one side only, so they (two of them) are browned right down the middle like mimes. They look fully mudded, but they're not. There's the pink side! Yesterday they liberated themselves. I came home, no pigs, and did my usual march all over all the places they could get themselves in trouble with a pail in hand, but I couldn't find any trace of them. It was too late to rouse them.
Full mudface
Finally some rain! The pigs, who are usually muddy to the eyes, are today muddy to the ears. They look funny, with their eyes cleanish in the full muddy cones of their faces. By afternoon they had gleefully mudded the whole rest of their bodies until they had single cleanish strips only along their spines. One of the pigs has a predilection for bringing one or more of their rubber bowls into their house. Sometimes all three are in there, sometimes stacked.
(David Attenborough voice) After the new enclosure has been prepared for these lucky piglets, the fence is parted, allowing access to the abundant unspoiled greenery this species thrives upon. But how long will it take them to discover their new freedom? Their attendant retrieves the food bowls they are familiar with and places them in plain view just beyond the fence opening, filling them with fresh food. The young pigs observe these proceedings with interest but from a distance.
Furtive forest piglets
Three little pigs. They are not tame at all. They are wild animals, free and independent. They observe from a distance. It's quite nice to not be leaned on and snouted every time you go in their fence, but it will also be nice to play with them and scratch them, someday. They are curious. They approach, sniffing. But then one snorts and they all stampede off! Runaway!
Three little pigs
As usual, the new piglets are super shy. She threw me over her shoulder, and I won't forget. I peed on him, hee hee. They snort and dash away to the farthest part of their yard when you even get close. This is kind of a nice stage when you can stay clean going in to feed them. In a month or two they'll be nosing my pant legs and jostling me at the trough. They've been working, though. They were here for minutes before they had their faces in the dirt, and dug up an impressive swath of it in their first hour.
Picky picky piglets
These pigs are here in prime harvest time to be plied with as much as they can eat in windfall apples and surplus veggies. All vegetables pigs past have quite enjoyed, mind you. And these two turn out to be picky eaters?I look at them. You're pigs. How can you be picky? That's against your definition. They look down their snouts. We'll have the peaches, s'il vous plait.
Almost bacon
They seem so big! All jowlly and robust. They never outgrew a good sprint, and they love the daily wallow - I pour a bucket of water over them every afternoon, and they'll leave behind food at the sound of me pouring out some water - they run to me and flop down in the puddle. But what's this in the background? Oh, just the resident chickens.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.