Happy Harvest Blog

Chickens Chickens


There's that green. The world is overwatered right now and the grass is growing with all its might. Expect to see it in the eggs soon - the chickens are free-range again (fair weather only). HW comes home and says " Where'd all these starts come from!?"  "You grew these?"  Yep, they're the same ones as were there yesterday, and the day before...  "They're so big!"  Yes, they are. And so green.  Ready to go outside. I was shuttling tomatoes and set a box down for one second to empty the wheelbarrow....oh...oh! 

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Well, I'm back
Chickens Chickens

Well, I'm back

Back on track. I survived my alarming and exhausting 5 days of wretchedness. It started out a big rain day. Only Cleopatra is out there wading for worms. The barred rocks say Nah, too wet for us. The first broody hen of the year has her own box, finally.  She's been determinedly trying to warm eggs in the prime nest box of the big coop for a week, but I haven't been able to manage to get her own box. That means that the big hens have been laying eggs right on top of her some of the time. 

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Seedling disaster

Seedling disaster

If this happens to anybody else, that you think your tomato seedlings might have frozen in the night, although they look ok in the early morning, supposedly if you splash them with water or dunk them before they are thawed by the warming day, they may survive!

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.