Happy Harvest Blog
One Year
After blogging since the early oughts, 2018 was the first year I posted every single day. It wasn't always first thing in the morning, and sometimes a scheduled post failed to post on schedule, but I posted every day. After a while, it was too good a streak to break. What else did I do this year? Caught my first swarm, made a more effective strike against the invasive Glossy-leaf Buckthorn species we're plagued with than I have before, had a slightly better garden and a bigger one.
All growth
There is every reason to be completely incapacitated by depression. Natural systems and species are being destroyed, Syria is being destroyed by war, nations are falling apart, and society as a whole seems more incompetent than ever at correcting the course. I've been frightened for our fate, that feeling seems pretty darn appropriate, and I can't do a whole lot about it.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.