Happy Harvest Blog
Young Roos
Oscar and Orlando are buds. The young roosters are growing up, and they are big! They're going to be big boys. They've come almost into their full rooster shape, but still, have awkward bits sticking out. Not so cute anymore, although the hens might think so. Pepper, front left, is a Silkie Barred Rock cross, and that turns out to be an unfortunate combination. Very funny looking, with strangely green legs. And he's a rooster. He might have to season a pot before he seasons the gene pool:(
Dispatches from Silkieland
It's a bit like 101 Dalmatians around here now. Chicks everywhere. In the greenhouse, in the chickeries - I've lost track of how many sets there were this summer. Some hens went broody twice. There are a lot of chicks scampering around.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.