Happy Harvest Blog

The bees are thriving
Bees Bees

The bees are thriving

H.W. has been watching them every day, and reporting that the bees HATE the "door" (the entrance limiting stick). We've been having warm days, and the inbound flights start bottlenecking at the entrance mid-morning. Then he pulls out the stick and "the bees BOIL out!". It takes a few minutes to rebalance, like traffic after an accident is cleared. Then the bees come shooting in and out like a time lapse video of La Guardia at 16x

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Pollen baskets!
Bees Bees

Pollen baskets!

Today I had my face quite close watching a sodden bee (who could at first only wave one antenna to let me know she lived), pull herself back inside when a small black flying insect landed on the bee porch for a rest- just a little gnat.

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Bees Bees

...with songs they have sung, for 1000 years

My bees are alive!(with the sound of buzz-ing)We had an extreme cold snap (relative, very relative) here with a -20C night. I didn't think they'd made it. I kind of had a feeling. I'm really on the fence whether this hive will make it through their first winter. Neither death nor survival will surprise me.

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Insulating the hive
Bees Bees

Insulating the hive

As I worked, a few sentry bees came rocketing out, angry. It was cold though, so these were suicide missions. They would come out, buzz around angrily, then land on something, and be too cold to get back into the hive. I picked one still bee body up off where it was clinging to a branch and placed it on the upper hive doorstep. Within a second, pffft! The bees threw the body back out. I guess that one was dead. I put another motionless bee on the doorstep. They pulled it into the hive! Maybe for a little bee cpr.

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Bee sculpture
Bees Bees

Bee sculpture

Thing is, the bees have not recycled all the wax. The rest of it, they have made into sculpture. They aren't using this comb for anything, and it's intricately molded and shaped - changed to resemble some fantastic art-deco architecture. Amazing!

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Bees Bees

Two Bee Stings

Two bee stings in three days. That's about average for a summer. I can be done now.(Not my honeybees. Bumblebee and some wild bee that helped me discover their underground hive in the field.)

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First Hive Opening
Bees Bees

First Hive Opening

Every frame I pulled out, honey. Honey. More honey. Where is the brood? We saw a queen, so she is alive, but I'm not sure about well.

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Bees! Day 2
Bees Bees

Bees! Day 2

One bee led a crowd walk around up and around the front of the hive, and then they started using it like they’d always lived there. The airborne crowd dispersed.Until I reduced the entrance with a stick.

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Bees, Philosophy Bees, Philosophy


When I saw that box of bees on the porch, though, my bees, I felt an overwhelming rush of love that I really was not expecting. My bees, that were going to come home and be a part of our family, and I would have to take care of as best I could.

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.