Happy Harvest Blog

Guinea growth
guineas guineas

Guinea growth

They're also lost their "chick immunity", and can and will get pecked for being rude, especially by the layer hens. One of the guinea cocks seemed to be being a real jerk, chasing and attacking the chicks all the time. But I have a theory that that's a developmental strategy, like play fighting or wrestling, that he's teaching them the art of escaping attack (try catching one). Especially since the hen is right there letting him do it.

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guineas guineas

Guinea sleepover II

HW did some out loud wondering whether weยดd have another visitation. If this little bird maybe had a sprain; was having a hard time and the falling in the tank was a symptom, not cause.In the evening, he closed the coops again and returned without remark. He climbed to the loft, where I was, and halted meaningfully at the top of the ladder.No way!

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Blondies made it to the house
Chickens Chickens

Blondies made it to the house

They're very funny, acting like they're pretty sure they're not allowed to be here, so far from the coop, and darting into the woods when seen.But the big chickens are here (they hang around the house half the day, peering in the screen door and hoping for handouts). So the Blondies have made their way over.The house-moochers of the future.

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Picky picky piglets
Pigs Pigs

Picky picky piglets

These pigs are here in prime harvest time to be plied with as much as they can eat in windfall apples and surplus veggies. All vegetables pigs past have quite enjoyed, mind you. And these two turn out to be picky eaters?I look at them. You're pigs. How can you be picky? That's against your definition. They look down their snouts. We'll have the peaches, s'il vous plait.

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.