Happy Harvest Blog
tap tap tap
The sap is running! Last year we were largely robbed of the sugar season when winter ended a month early (just kidding! Catastrophic frost in June!). I completely failed to get taps in the trees on time last year. This year, the sugar season is right on time, precisely timing the sugar moon. I've got one tree tapped, the sap is flowing, and I'm even boiling it down!
How to be a Dumpster Diving ninja
Wanna join the craze, feel the rush, get utterly depressed by the unavoidable awareness of this society’s pointless waste?Dumpster Ninja Skills 101 - A Comprehensive Guide to the Cold Hard PrecautionsThink like a ninja, dress like a ninja
Dumpster diving: reports from the food waste front
Once I pulled up to our usual dumpster with my partner, and another truck was already there (yes, a truck is appropriate for the quantity of food). The pig farmer it belonged to was standing atop the dumpster with a hayfork, stabbing 1-3 bags of potatoes at a time and pitching them into his pickup bed. The dumpster was too full to shut, with five pound bags of Yukon Golds.
Honey part two
After the honey extraction comes filtration. Have to get out all the bee wings, wax caps and bits of leaves.See my super high-tech filtration system.
Eggplant sliced a 1/2 inch thick, sliced fresh tomatoes, and grated or sliced cheese. Hose down with olive oil and bake until the cheese bubbles.
Plum preserved
I put the next batch through my jelly bag (but only quickly, not a full extraction), and the result was part 1, incredible glowing pink plum juice which I drank, and part 2, plum"sauce" the consistency of applesauce, which I canned.
Accidental soda
My first clue was the bottle that burst. I heard it - bang- followed by an ominous dripping sound. (I'm glad I was home to hear it), and ferreted out the cause. The lid had blown off, chipping the rim of the bottle.
The apple flow is on
Every day, the first apple tree is dropping five gallons of apples. Dropping. That's a fraction of how many are staying on the tree.
It's Apple Time!
The apples are coming! One of the big, old, stately ancient apple trees by the old farmhouse is loaded with fruit, weighing the branches down to the ground. I picked up about 5 gallons of apples just off the ground, lobbing many of them directly into the pig compound. Oink, oink. Happy pigs.
Strawberry season
2015-06-29 15.27.12Strawberry season is starting to slow down - oh how we will miss the daily quart of luscious juicy sunshine in a berry.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.