Waiting for rain
It's that kind of day.It's been so hot, for so long. Everything is parched, tired, thirsty. Fire risk is high.Every day I haul water to keep the greenhouse and garden residents alive.My broccoli is thriving! A surprise. Cabbages utterly failed last year, so I thought cruciferae didn't agree with my garden.Also I have 5 asparagi! (yeah yeah, asparguses). Asparagus is the first thing we ever planted, our first month here, but that attempt didn't take. The asparaguys wanted a more prepared bed. Now they seem happy.A honeybee working a blackberry cane by the well.We're standing on a pile of sticks. What's it to ya?I found this enormous spider.She was bigger than my cell phone is wide.Everywhere, snakes. Snakes like it hot.