Happy Harvest Blog

My chickens are scaring me today
Chickens Chickens

My chickens are scaring me today

It's hot, and there are chickens littered around, tipped over.  They're faking me out, because they can look very dead, unless they hold their heads up.  Gah!  Oh, phew.  She's politely retracted her leg from the path.  You shall not...oh, yeah, you can pass. New dirt bath.

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All you need in a heat wave is a pine tree
Chickens Chickens

All you need in a heat wave is a pine tree

Because of the crazy (now four) days of heat, I've been releasing all the birds, so that they can manage their own needs, and won't ever possibly be trapped without water. The Silkies move no more than 4 feet, piling up under the pine tree they're under anyway. Some of them are panting, and some hold their feet wide and wings out flat like airplanes for a draft under their wings, but they've been just fine. There's a stiff breeze, and under the pine tree, it's quite cool. All they need is for the drinks to keep coming.

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Waiting for rain

Waiting for rain

It's been so hot, for so long. Everything is parched, tired, thirsty. Fire risk is high.Every day I haul water to keep the greenhouse and garden residents alive.20160626_085638My broccoli is thriving! A surprise. Cabbages utterly failed last year, so I thought cruciferae didn't agree with my garden.

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Chickens Chickens

Shady chickens

They are still in the first, big coop, but we moved them to the edge of the field to give them more shade. It's working. They are spending more of the day outside.

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.