Growing piglets and oinker games


The oinkers are growing!  They still have long legs, and act like dogs in ways. They stretch first thing out of bed, they jump around when they're excited, and they love to run.Seeing how much they love to run makes me sad about all the pigs that are confined in quarters barely large enough for them to turn around, where their only function is to eat and grow fat.  Clearly lethargy is not their natural state.They love a good sprint.  They celebrate the coming of food by an exuberant oinking lap around their enclosure, usually with a figure eight through and around their house.  They're very athletic pigs.HW loves the pigs (he doesn't seem to have any conflict with adoring them and having to kill them later).  He's disappointed when he comes home from work and I've already fed them (so I tend to wait).  Either way, he visits them while he's still in his work clothes, and then he comes in saying something like "Those oinkers are funny!  I was sitting in their house with them and..."You were what?He's been actively trying to tame them.  We can do anything to them while they're eating;  Spots tolerates HW petting her at other times, but A.P. won't stand for it.  He also snorts at them, although I've told him he's probably saying something insulting in their language.  They love it though, they immediately get louder and oink back when HW comes down the trail, snorting.  He's kind of good at it.Yesterday his story was:  "I was out there chasing those oinkers around... " (You were what?!) "They love it!  They know that it´s play, because as soon as I stop, they run up to me.  But they LOVE to run.  Then when I left I looked back and one pig was flopped out on the ground, legs out - no, not in their house, just in the mud - then she got up, walked in a circle, and flopped down again - she was all tuckered out!"So HW plays games with the pigs too.  I haven't even witnessed him sitting in their house or playing chase, let alone when I had a camera.  But I can hope.The introduction of two bowls (recycling the dog bowls): It worked perfectly, exactly like I expected.Oh, you've got something good over there?  I wants it.One pig gets jealous and pushes the other off her bowl.Displaced pig coolly walks around to the vacant bowl.Repeat.Repeat.  Repeat.Both are eating constantly, but quite sure the other bowl is better.




Peak Seedlings