Stewie and Perchick, sitting in the coop...


These two were hanging out in the small coop together, which is unusual.  They looked at me like I just busted them smoking behind the school, which was funny.  Then they shot out of there like they were on fire, not acting guilty at all.  We weren't doing anything!  Nothing at all!There's a guinea in that coop.  They go in there every day, sometimes lingering, and I wonder.  Are they considering laying a few eggs?  (They don't).  Are they just inspecting all the areas of their territory?Or are they nostalgic?  This used to be the skycoop, and some of these birds were either born in it, or the hen who raised a brood in it.  This used to be my house.  Or, This was my chickhood home.  Guineas are funny.  In a weird, furtively darting way.  When they aren't just yelling.  WIND, WIND, WIND!!!  VISITOR, VISITOR, VISITOR!Cheeks REALLY REALLY wants that food.  Because the grass is always greener.  It probably drives her nuts that they don't eat it all at once. Hey, if you're not going finish that- Then she gets her head stuck.  Cheeks has turned into a no-nonsense, bossy chicken.  She gets huffy and indignant easily.   And is a loner, like other chickens are beneath her.


Thinking out of the box


The cutest little box chicken ever