Thinking out of the box


I heard some scuffling, then HW blandly said "I think she's ready to be out of the box."He'd taken the netting off of her so she could stretch her neck up without restriction.  I thought this very promising, a signal that I could return her to the flock, if she was feeling spunky.She perched on the side of the box for a good twenty minutes.  Not too terribly spunky.I resumed my business.  I heard another scuffle, then silence, and I forgot about it.She had jumped down, and was standing on the floor.  I gave her a local newspaper.We visited. I kept doing my thing.  She walked around a little bit, then settled in  on her newspaper.  I felt she didn't need any monitoring, and left her to it. Not long later, I heard a third scuffle and checked.  She'd just hopped back into her box (where she settled down for a little nap and stayed, without confinement or supervision, the rest of the day).Funny bird.  Her whole foray out of the  box was about a half hour long. 


Chicken Day out!


Stewie and Perchick, sitting in the coop...