It’s so interesting and touching to see chickens form alliances and bonds. Sometimes it makes sense when birds hang out together (birds of a feather), sometimes I forced the issue, but most of the time it’s organic, and often odd.
I would never have called this one. Sidewinder and Apples’ chick.
This is so unlikely. Sidewinder is a VERY low chicken. I can say with certainty that she’s the lowest. She’s kind of a mess, with a butchered beak, therefore wicked underbite-not good for self-defense or settling arguments, bad feet, and she doesn’t do herself any favours because she’s always cringing subserviently around, so badly that she approaches things sideways (hence, Sidewinder). She’s kind of a sad subject, but she’s awfully hardy, outliving some of her peers. I’ve always liked her because she’s sweet, and tried to help her, but there’s not much one can do for a case of self-esteem that dire. She’s in a jacket because to go with her other problems, she just molted.
But now, she’s got a friend, or a pet, or a Little Sister. I don’t know what’s at the root of their relationship, but they are an inseparable pair. That little chick is an independent minded one. It left its Silkie momma behind early, and not only did it move out of Silkieland, choosing not to sleep in their coop anymore, but it moved into a big coop on its own (well, maybe Stepmom helped with that). I’ve got birds nearly grown that won’t go in a coop on their own at night (if their mommas don’t teach them young, it’s a real struggle).
Sidewinder’s a different bird now too. I’ve never seen her head up so high, and she also moved coops. She’s got someone to look after now. Purpose! Adorable!!