House chicken 2018
Cheeks is in “intensive” box care in the house. At the end of October, she somehow got the end of one of her toes torn or bitten off, pretty cleanly. I was horrified but it can’t be reattached, so what can you do?
She’s been spending her days in a chickery safe from harassment but still with the other hens in the GH. I figured she needed safe time to heal and the the wound would close and she’d make a recovery. Appetite, check, using the foot, check, lots of time resting but normal behaviour.
Then suddenly, she wasn’t using the foot anymore and it’s swollen and hot. Infection entered her amputation and grew in her foot. In spite of eating apparently normally, she’s also lost a lot of weight that I hadn’t noticed as she had molted before this happened. So she’s not in good shape. Certainly not the beauty she used to be.
What I now know that what I SHOULD have done at the time of the injury is stitch the skin closed over the break and polysporin the heck out of it and bandage it up and maintain the dressing. All of that seems completely obvious in retrospect, but I guess I wasn’t thinking right. She was still so darn active and feisty that confining her to a box or bandaging her foot seemed ridiculous at the time. Now she’s fighting infection and I have to push antibiotic pills in her beak 2x/day (hates it!) and give her foot soaks (loves it!). This could go either way.
She’s in a modified banana box. We can call her Cheekita. Spunky enough to be sticking her head out to look around is a good sign.