I feel like some aloe today

Summat wrong with that?

Summat wrong with that?

Says Cheeks.


She took a whole arm off of this plant (right), and a couple of beak shaped bites out of another arm.

The evidence at her feet.

The evidence at her feet.


Then she took the tip off another plant.  She really ate quite a lot of it, despite the bits she left behind.  Apparently, today she just wanted some aloe.  It's good for her.  No one else is eating it (I've tried, I find it bitter).

Dozing now, after breakfast and making a big mess

Dozing now, after breakfast and making a big mess

This is the box she stands on, to eat, and just to hang out for a lot of the day.  Easy to clean:)  The aloe just seemed like part of the buffet.


not good very bad


chickens in a bag