not good very bad

My computer stopped working today in a way that seems forboding-ly final.  It won't turn on and won't charge.  No warning signs.  The current suspicion is that some snow got into it.

I'm already emotionally recovering.  The blow is that my computer is my work, and there was quite a lot of data only on that computer.  Now it is currently inaccessible in a deadline week, and I'm not exactly embracing having to re-record half of a book the week before Christmas!

Earlier this week I lost a couple months of photographs in a half second's bad decision.  Format?  Yes.  NO!  I mean No! ...  ah shit.
Now I only have the pictures I put on here! 

It could always be worse.  I lost loads of pictures of Cheeks, but I did not lose Cheeks.   It could have been three books, but it's only half of one.  I have the software I need on HW's computer; I can get by.  Technology can be disappointing.


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I feel like some aloe today