Happy Harvest Blog

Food Food

Is your sap running? You'd better go catch it.

We tapped six trees, just using little 1-2 gal food grade buckets. We don't intend to boil down the sap to syrup, because we don't have an outdoor cooking facility, so we'll have to use it fresh. We'll just drink it, cook with it, drink it....There's nothing more divine than cold fresh maple sap.

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First potato

I was digging with my hands hoping for enough young potatoes for a meal, and this big one came up! A little bit on the creative side, but a nice healthy potato.The potatoes, beans, strawberries, and cucumbers are all thriving this year on the unamended soil we dug in the spring.

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Food Food


Santa brought a wheatgrass juicer! I started a tray of grass in advance just for the occasion. It's just a camper-sized tray, as we don't have the field space to support any larger crops.

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I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.