Is your sap running? You'd better go catch it.
Although we were late getting to it, the sap was late to run this year, due to this weather the Maritimes are having. So, we are right on time. First warmish, sunny day, it's about to begin..We tapped six trees, just using little 1-2 gal food grade buckets. Edit: Later we put aluminum foil hats on them (paranoid conspiracy buckets) with elastic bands. Wasn't pretty, but it worked, relatively. Only lost two hats in the wind.We don't intend to boil down the sap to syrup, because we don't have an outdoor cooking facility, so we'll have to use it fresh. We'll just drink it, cook with it, drink it....There's nothing more divine than cold fresh maple sap. Perhaps it's even healing.The snow around here is crazy! Still.