Happy Harvest Blog
tap tap tap
The sap is running! Last year we were largely robbed of the sugar season when winter ended a month early (just kidding! Catastrophic frost in June!). I completely failed to get taps in the trees on time last year. This year, the sugar season is right on time, precisely timing the sugar moon. I've got one tree tapped, the sap is flowing, and I'm even boiling it down!
Maple trees
Since we have discovered the joy and ease of maple sap collection, I've developed keen eyes for the maple trees. One grey day I decided to go flag all the maples in our general habitat zone.
I bottled the first batch and it is aMAZing. I'm saying it myself.It first occurred to me when I was reading about syrup reduction and encountered a comment explaining that sometimes a 'mother' can form on top in the bottle of syrup, and this is a distasteful, undesirable thing..... wait, what?Did somebody say 'mother'?
Is your sap running? You'd better go catch it.
We tapped six trees, just using little 1-2 gal food grade buckets. We don't intend to boil down the sap to syrup, because we don't have an outdoor cooking facility, so we'll have to use it fresh. We'll just drink it, cook with it, drink it....There's nothing more divine than cold fresh maple sap.
It's officially Spring now.
I've never noticed maple keys sprouting before, but now, every single one seems to be sticking out one exploratory pale green claw, ready to take hold.
I may not make a blog post every day, but at least I Insta.
Bite size.